How to choose your PSUThe power supply unit or (PSU) this part of your pc , it looks unimportant part , but wihtout PSU the pc can't , this part is use to supplying power in your pc as it's name : "power supply unit " , we now will show the steps to choose the PSU .
1-Cables :
The cables are used for connect the PSU with other pc parts and send the power from the power supply to these parts like motherboard , CPU and other
24-pin cable : it use to connect the PSU with the motherboard and sends power from the PSU to the motherboard and m.2 SSDs , rams , CPU cooler and other parts that connected to the motherboard
4/8-pin cable : it use to connect the PSU with the CPU and sends power from the PSU to the CPU
6/8-pin cable : it use to connect the PSU with the GPU and sends more power from the PSU to the GPU because the power that send from the mother board to the GPU isn't enough
Sata cable : it use to connect the PSU with the sata storage devices and sends power from the PSU to these devices
2-Wattage :
You must take how many wattage does your device need and what the recommended PSU for this wattage , by easy way you can use wattage calculator from EVGA power meter , be quiet PSU calculator and FSP power supply calculator to calculate the wattage and the recommended PSU